Today. Nov, 15, 2011.. There is hardly any time left to live in San Francisco. Because I found someone who loving girl met china girl since Oct 14. 38 days later, I'm going to leave San Francisco Dec 23 2011...
Refer in Facebook--I'm afraid that IF I leave once San Francisco or step back San Francisco, I know that I can't come back San Francisco. My worst fears became a reality. D-38...
And!! getting cold this place.. OMG.. Just I have a few clothes of long sleeves or hoods. Why don't buy the long sleeves clothes? cos.. I just waiting for Black Friday. Everybody said "I have got to buy all of famous brands products as cheaper price!!" So do i. So i waiting for Thanksgiving days to buy clothes...
BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistors)
Refer in Facebook--I'm afraid that IF I leave once San Francisco or step back San Francisco, I know that I can't come back San Francisco. My worst fears became a reality. D-38...
And!! getting cold this place.. OMG.. Just I have a few clothes of long sleeves or hoods. Why don't buy the long sleeves clothes? cos.. I just waiting for Black Friday. Everybody said "I have got to buy all of famous brands products as cheaper price!!" So do i. So i waiting for Thanksgiving days to buy clothes...
The devices have three terminals - called the collector, base and emitter - that are given the symbols c, b and e.The base is the control input and signals applied to this terminal affect the flow of current between the
collector and emitter. As in the corresponding FET circuit, variations in the input to transistor alter the current flowing through the resistor R and hence determine the output voltage, V0. However the the behaviour of bipolar transistors differs from FETs, producing circuits with somewhat different characteristics.
While FETs are 'voltage-controlled' devices, bipolar transistors are often considered to be current-controlled components. When a control current is supplied to the base of a transistor, this causes a larger current to flow from the collector the the emitter (provided that external circuit is able to supply this current).... next..