1. Should = 말하는 사람의 주관적인 의견을 나타내서 당연히 해야한다는 의미 (경고성의 강한어조)

      I think I should watch more movies to improve my English.Any ideas?

      You should keep your post short. 
      Newbies shouldn't jump in right away.
      Should you use capital letters to make a strong statements

2. Ought to = 법규, 규정 등 객관적 의무를 나타내서 제반 여건상 해야한다는 의미(경고성의 강한어조)
     I think you ought to see Groundhog day. 
     Newbies ought to lurk before they post.

     ※부정문과 의문문에 사용되지 않습니다. 

3. Had better = ~하는것이 낫다

     You'd better not reply right away.
     You'd(=You had) better protect your secret information.

     ※의문문에 이지 않습니다.

-Should vs Had better


Should와 비슷하게 무엇을 바랄때 사용합니다. 하지만 차이점은 should는 일반적으로 사용되지만 had better는 특정한 상황, 즉! 그상황에만 사용됩니다. 


It's late. You'd better go. / You should go. - 늦었어. 너는 가는게 좋겠어.

(개인적인 생각으로 특정한 상황이지만 had better과 should 둘다 사용이 가능합니다.)

The film starts at 8.30. You'd better go now or you'll be late.

(의견에 따르지 않았을때 불이익이 있는경우는 had better만 사용합니다.)

 펌&원본수정함: http://blog.naver.com/edward_kwon?Redirect=Log&logNo=100141136031

E-mail, bulletin boards, and chat rooms open up a new world of communication-and, sometimes, misunderstanding. To avoid problems, you should know these simple rules of netiquette:

  • When should you post to a bulletin board on chat room? Newbies shouldn't jump in right away- they to lurk a little first. Look through old messages for answers to common questions. Many sites also have FAQs for basic information. After that, post when you have something new to say. You should keep your post short and simple.

  • Should you use capital letters to make a strong statement? NO! A MESSAGE ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS SEEMS LIKE SHOUTING. You should follow the normal rules for capital (big) and lowercase (small) letters.

  • Did someone make you angry? You'd better not reply right away. Count to 10 first. Don't flame another board or chat room member. You should never forger that people on the Internet are real people with real feelings.

  • Emoticons help avoid misunderstandings. You should learn how to use them to show your feelings.
  • Internet safety is part of netiquette. When you post to bulletin board or a chat room, you should always use a screen name. Never give your real name or other personal information.

  • Practice these five rules of netiquette, and most of your emoticons will be smilies!

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